13-14: Wok-Fried Veggies with Pasta

13-14: Wok-Fried Veggies with Pasta is yet another dish where the preparation requires too much chopping. One of my specialties happens to be stir-fry. I can make stir-fry with the best of them.

I’ve made wok fried dishes similar to this on my own, but with chicken or beef. Usually, I think vegetarian food is best left to the rabbits. 🐰

Taking from the TIPS section, I did splash some apple cider vinegar on the dish near the end to add the acid flavor this dish needs.

So many colorful ingredients, including lots of varieties of peppers. I just received the yellow and purple-orange carrots and green beans from the organic CSA box that morning.

To prepare stir fry, it is best to chop all the ingredients while the wok is heating up. So much chopping!

I added the oil into the wok with all the vegetables…Let the stir-fry begin!

The vegetables are shiny, warm, and delicious at this point, covered in sesame oil and honey.

PASTA! Toss it in the wok and start stirring. 💪

Stirring, stirring, stirring. Frying, frying, frying…

The final dish has so many colors and textures. I chose the ziti pasta shape because I had some already cooked in my fridge and I only had to heat it back up while making this recipe. I packed this dish for lunch in individual containers and it reheated well.