17-35: Healthy Bread with Vegetables was yet another attempt to make bread that went somewhat awry. This recipe was quite an experiment with quite unusual results. 🍞

This bread was definitely moist and colorful. I’ve had carrot cake, but I’ve never had shredded carrot in my bread. I substituted the beet with zucchini because the only Beets I enjoy are the band from Doug.

This recipe has a lot of rising time. I spent half the day making this bread. I got two other recipes cooked while making this bread.
The ingredients were set out early to come down from freezing or cold temperatures. The zucchini was in the freezer and the lactose free yogurt needed to be warmed up to bloom the yeast.
I warmed the yogurt and poured the yeast into the bowl. Stirring gently, the yeast started to smell really bread-like.
I moved the mixture into a bigger bowl and added half of the flour to create a biga. The dough ball was left to ferment and bloom for 2 hours after it was mixed together.
The dough ball smelled really bread-y and got about 1.5x bigger than this dough ball as you can see in the next image.
Adding in the shredded carrot, shredded zucchini and more flour, the dough is almost finished. It just needs to rise for a few more hours.
This is the dough all mixed together. I took this bowl and set the dough aside to rise for 45 minutes.
45 minutes later, here’s what the ball looks like. I punched this dough down and let this rise for another 45 minutes.
Here’s the final dough ball, looking bigger than the original dough ball for sure.
I split the one ball into two loaves and cut slits into the dough. It’s very colorful at this stage.
On the sheet pan, ready to go into the oven for 35 minutes. The house smelled great when these loaves were finished. 🍞 The pleasant smell was only temporary as I’ll explain below.
The bread got a great dark brown crust. It looked very visually appealing and tasted great. The only problem was this bread gave both Jamie and I…unintended results of the flatulent nature.
The bread sliced wonderfully and tasted great with butter on it. Check out the wet pockets inside. I had to put the bread back into the oven to cook a little more after I sliced the initial slices off. I think the yeast fermenting inside of the warm yogurt caused gastrointestinal distress for anyone who ate this bread. As great as this bread tasted, I wouldn’t make it again.