4-19: Twice-Baked Potatoes

Here’s another potato recipe for you. I had a LOT of potatoes to cook. This was the complement to 11-16: Indian Fried Fish, which I posted a few days ago.

4-19 Twice-Baked Potatoes

This one got stuck to the page before it in the book–hence the destroyed-looking card. You can still see the important parts though–these are mighty tasty. My notes indicate I made it in a chipotle-style a few Christmases ago–we’ll do it legit for this one. For science. 🔬

4-19 Twice-Baked Potatoes1

Obviously I’ve made this one before, even if my notes weren’t on the card.


Ingredients. Subbed half-and-half for whipping cream–everything else was legit.


Prepping the potatoes. Hey, they said prick it with a fork.


Hello toaster, my old friend. I’ve come to bake in you again.


Potatoes, post-bake. They look…wrinkly.


Chopped the tops. Tough to do with smaller potatoes–they almost end up being halves.


Scooped, with the guts in the bowl. I also took the bits off the lids, but we ate the lids on their own, like potato skins. 🙂


Mixing eggs & butter into the filling. This is where I had incorporated some chipotle peppers & adobo sauce when I made it a few years ago, but you could put in other things too, if there’s something else that floats your boat.


Making meringue. Check out 4-11: Potato Soufflé with Onions for some good tips on making meringue if you have trouble.


Ok, here’s where I ran into a bit of trouble. I had more filling than would fit in the potatoes, so instead of doing the sensible thing and saving it or cooking it in a ramekin on its own, I crammed it into the potato and built it into quite the filling tower, topping it with cheese. This will turn out not to be a good idea.


Back into the toaster oven to bake. Again. Get the name? 😀


And…the final product. They turned into cheese monsters.


Plated. I served this alongside 11-16: Indian Fried Fish and chose the two best looking ones for this shot. Despite their weird appearance, they were definitely the better of the two dishes on that plate.

Grade: A