Simply Delicious is introducing me to so many new culinary terms. 6-46: Chicken Breasts Veronique was a new one for me. 🍇 The definition of “Veronique” is explained below:

Chicken and grapes isn’t the most obvious combination, not in 🇺🇸 American-style cuisine anyway. This dish is definitely influenced by 🇫🇷 French cuisine. I’ve eaten chicken and grapes before in Middle-Eastern styled recipes as well.

The TIPS section is really helpful for this recipe. It helps to plan ahead and cook in stages so that certain ingredients do not overcook.
This ingredients shot includes a few of my favorite things: Chicken, grapes, curry powder, and butter.
The chicken cooks really fast because the chicken breasts are cut into strips. The surface area per piece is larger which means it cooks internally at a faster rate than a large, thick piece of chicken breast.
Cooking anything in butter, salt, and pepper makes it taste amazing. Chicken strips take about 10 minutes to cook.
Shallots don’t make me cry as bad as onions can. Chop them up into small pieces.
Pull the chicken pieces from the pan and add more butter into the pan.
Add the chopped shallots into the melted butter and cook for 15 seconds exactly! ⏰
Add the white wine and cook on high heat, keep stirring until the liquid is reduced by half.
This step is part of my substitution for whipping cream. I mixed in 1/2 cup sour cream and stirred until the cream melted into the sauce.
Add whole grapes and curry powder when the sauce is heated through. When the grapes cook down, they become little flavor bombs in the sauce.
Add the chicken into the sauce and stir until all the parts are heated through. The sauce starts to look like gravy at this point.
TA-DA! Chicken Breasts Veronique in a green bowl for your viewing pleasure. When eating the dish, I recommend cutting a piece of chicken and skewering a grape on the end of the fork. When eating the two in combination, the warm grape innards make the chicken meat taste even more tender and delicious. The sauce melds the flavors together with creamy undertones. Jamie did not try the dish with the included grapes. I really enjoy how the dish came out and I would prepare it again if I happened to have the grapes when they are fresh and in season.