19-5: Bananas

Part of Simply DeliciousCooking School series, this post is going to take a more in-depth look at a unique ingredient: bananas. 🍌

19-5 Bananas

After the jump, read about how to use, store, & prep bananas. There’s also some links to some Simply Delicious recipes I’ve already covered that use bananas. 😉

19-5 Bananas1

No use in restating what you see here, just a few points to add:

  • Wikipedia entry on the banana. Of particular interest to future banana recipes: Panama disease and the eradication of most species of banana. (NPR link from Jan. 2016)
  • Personally, I don’t really care for bananas. It’s a texture thing. However, I appreciate their uses and the fact that most people really dig them. I’m not completely against them though–banana bread and fake banana flavor are about the extent of what I’ll tolerate.

Recipes I’ve covered so far that included bananas:

Enjoy your bananas (even if I don’t)! 🍌🍌🍌