Chapter 19 of Simply Delicious is Basic Ingredients, another big part of cooking and Cooking School. 19-10: Dried Herbs & Spices I is the first of a two-part series on a selection of spices that you’ll probably find in a well-stocked kitchen.

For this entry, I’ll link to a recipe (or two, or three) that I’ve covered in this project that calls for that spice to illustrate an idea of how to use it (and maybe increased motivation to give one of these recipes a try).

I included some pictures for you as well.
Black Pepper
- 8-31: Roast Beef (a simple preparation of a timeless, impressive dish)
- 2-2: Mushrooms à la Grecque (a mushroom salad marinated with whole black peppercorns)
- 6-11: Chinese Duck (a challenging dish that incorporates a blend of spices and a less common protein)
White Pepper
- 11-12: Creamy Sautéed Shrimp (my favorite childhood dish and the only reason I even have white pepper in my spice cabinet)
- 9-4: Swedish Meatballs (not a particularly exciting dish on its own, but with some spices or a great sauce they’d be pretty solid)
- 6-35: Chicken Diable (a spicy chicken dish with a blend of pepper and spices)

- 3-13: Velvety Carrot Soup (it’s velvety and the only recipe I’ve done so far that’s called specifically for allspice)
- 17-36: Grandma’s Spice Cake (which didn’t specifically call for allspice but I swapped it in for cardamom)
- 9-9: Pork Meatloaf with Horseradish (a different kind of meatloaf with Asian spices and tangy horseradish)
Green & Rosé Pepper
- 6-40: Peppercorn Chicken Breasts (a lesson in why to use the pepper the recipe calls for)
- 6-17: Chicken Breasts with Cheesy Filling (a savory lunch or dinner dish with a juicy filling)
- 9-15: Peppercorn Beef Burgers (a different take on burgers that includes a blend of assorted peppercorns)

Cayenne Pepper
- 5-15: Cheese Sticks (think of them like big Cheetos that you make yourself)
- 6-35: Chicken Diable (simple crispy chicken breast dish that has a bit of a kick and makes a good weeknight dinner option)
- 12-16: Risotto with Pastrami (a spicy take on risotto–this isn’t the kind you’re expecting)
- 13-13: Spinach Turnovers (has a lovely saffron sauce & is vegetarian!)
- 17-21: Small Golden Pretzels (saffron lends an aromatic touch and soft yellow hue to these homemade soft pretzels)

Curry Powder
- 7-36: Pork Tenderloin with Curry Sauce (Simply Delicious has a lot of pork tenderloin recipes, and this one is delicious)
- 6-8: Curried Chicken (it’s in the name!)
- 11-16: Indian Fried Fish (an adventure in curry, bananas, and fish)
- 3-18: Shrimp Bisque (if you like shrimp bisque, this is a great take on the dish)
- 9-30: South American Meatballs (coconut in meatballs can work)
- 7-55: Sunday Pork Stew (a very traditional Polish/Hungarian-type use of paprika)
Want even more herbs, spices, recipes, & pictures? Read the second part right here: 19-11: Dried Herbs & Spices II!