Another recipe that I intended to cover earlier (when it was more relevant). Whatever, you can totally still eat 17-53: Spiced Whole Wheat Muffins in mid-to-late November.

The recipe card says “not-too-sweet”…they’re not kidding. These are good, but only if you have some preserves or butter to go along with it. On their own, they’re a bit…dry.

I made these along with 17-46: Pumpkin Streusel Muffins and 17-68: Oatmeal Raisin Cookies as part of a “fall” baked goods basket for the break room. These muffins were the last of the group to disappear–guess they weren’t that popular.

Ingredients. I added pecans and dates to my muffins, like it suggested in the sidebar. Subbed half-and-half for milk, like usual.

Lined my muffin cups.

Dry ingredients in the stand mixer to be blended.

Wet ingredients mixed in a 2-cup measuring cup. Go for a bigger vessel than this, it was tough to do it in here. I was going for the least amount of dishes.

Blended just enough to moisten, as directed.

Unevenly filled cups, as is my style.

Do you see what unevenly filling your cups gets you? A mountain range.

These guys got a bit too toasty–going a few minutes under might have softened them up a bit. That or a lower temperature–that might have helped prevent the peaking as well. 400 degrees is pretty standard muffin baking temperature, but I’d probably pull them at 20 minutes (checking them at 15) if I made them again. I think on these I checked at 20 and pulled a minute or two later, which might have been too long.

Final shot of the muffins. They were great microwaved with a bit of butter & jam, so don’t write these off completely. They just need a bit of help.
Grade: B-