Simply Delicious has a lot of rib recipes, however I think 8-62: Oven-Baked Baby Beef Ribs might be the first one I’ve covered that features beef ribs instead of pork. Here’s an article that breaks down some differences between the two types–I haven’t eaten real meat in like 5 years at this point, so I don’t feel like it’s my place to have that discussion with you.

They show their ribs with some baby carrots (you can buy them already cut/prepped to look this way, but perhaps should consider roasting them) and green beans, but if you’d like an unhealthier option (who wouldn’t), you can serve them with some “Kenji” onion rings instead like we did.

Other side dish options, courtesy of Simply Delicious: baked potatoes, broccoli, salad. Still no mention of onion rings.

Ingredients. I have a shallot instead of a red onion (which will achieve practically the same purpose here) and some sriracha as my chili sauce. For beef ribs, I have some “ribz” that are homemade, recipe courtesy of The Gentle Chef.

If you wanted to see some of the rib-making process, here’s what that looks like.

It’s obviously not super “professional-looking”, but there’s still not a lot of good “grocery-store available” non-meat rib options yet, despite how many other types of things they’ve come out with in the last few years. So these will have to do.
I’m skipping step 1 & 2, or perhaps more accurately, substituting my rib-making process for those steps. So, if you’re still paying attention, we’re up to step 3 now.

Back to the recipe at hand. I have no idea how this method will translate if I’m using non-meat ribs, but we’ll carry on. For science.
Chopping up the shallot and preparing the basting sauce. I probably should have chopped the shallot much finer than this.

Brushing on the sauce. I don’t like how the shallots just…sit there. I should have run them through the food processor instead.

After some time baking. I didn’t let these go for a full hour as recommended, since they’re not real meat. Maybe like 20-30 minutes?

I crisped up my onion rings (fun fact: these were made at another time and I froze them to be reheated later on) and finished up the ribs.

Final dish. I don’t know if this was the best representation of this recipe since it was intended for real meat ribs, but it wasn’t bad. I’d prefer probably just some real BBQ sauce next time, but I appreciate the idea of making a sauce with what’s in the fridge/pantry.
Grade: B+