I’m (more than) a little reluctant to post 15-5: Strawberries Romanoff given the current state of the world, but I made it over a year ago and I need to get it out of my queue, so here you go. And yes, that’s really how long it takes me to get to these sometimes.

Strawberries are in season right now, so this is somewhat seasonally appropriate (but perhaps not politically so). I’m not sure being from the “courts of the Russian czars” is much of a selling point anymore these days (although arguably, it probably wasn’t much of one in the late 1980s-early 1990s either), but it is what it is.
You can find ways to support the people of Ukraine here. 🇺🇦

Note that this claims to be a “Russian” recipe, but it uses French liqueur. Another recipe I found for it uses Grand Marnier (also French), so maybe Simply Delicious isn’t as far off as I thought. Here’s another one which is quite similar–the interesting part is both of the ones I linked don’t include actual oranges or orange juice.

Ingredients. I went with the Grand Marnier (since that’s what I have) and chose a spray non-dairy whip since that’ll turn out better than anything I attempt. It’ll make it harder to incorporate the liqueur into it, but it’ll be close enough.

They don’t expressly tell you to take off the tops of the strawberries, but it’s not a bad idea. Especially if they don’t have pretty tops.

They do mention you can halve the strawberries if you like, but I quartered them just to make them easier to eat.

I grated the peel from one orange (okay, more like zested it), but it was a big orange.

It was also a very juicy orange…maybe TOO juicy. I added the juice, peel, liqueur, and powdered sugar as directed.

This looks more like strawberry soup than strawberries being marinated.

After two hours, the strawberries look somewhat marinated. Seems like a lot of wasted juice/liqueur.

Final dish, with my non-spiked whipped cream on top. It’s strawberries and cream, which is always good. We’ll leave it there for now.
Grade: A-