12-18: Mushroom Risotto is another recipe with a loose definition of risotto. This one didn’t even ask you to cook the rice in wine, just broth. I already had some mushroom broth infused white rice on hand, but the recipe called for brown rice.

This ended up being a dish that tastes very similar to the 12-41: Spaghetti with Green Sauce recipe that I cooked recently. Mushrooms and basil give this dish an earthy flavor. 🍄

I wouldn’t exactly call this dish a risotto, but it’s close enough.
I learned for a later photo shoot to take the mushrooms out of the wrapper before taking the photo.
Melted the butter and added the onions and mushrooms.
I would have used fresh parsley but I was all out. I chopped the basil and the almonds.
The mushrooms and onions are nicely sautéed and now I added the rice, basil, parsley and almonds into the pan.
All of the ingredients in the pan, the dish is many different shades of wonderful.
The final product was nutty and delicious. Mushroom risotto in storage containers in the fridge made for an easy, tasty lunch for a few days in a row.